All Arts Istanbul Art Fair
This is a new art fair organized by Contemporary Istanbul team at the same venue, presenting a broad range of works spanning the ancient to the modern and contemporary.Galeri Mücerred (Galeri MCRD) participates in All Arts Istanbul Art Fair with Beyond Reality solo exhibition by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay, presenting digital paintings along with heavy impastos, united in style and desire to go beyond reality.
April 18-21, 2013
Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay is interested in painting the unknown. While painting portals into alien worlds, dream landscapes and new realities, she devises complex stories about the nature of being. There is never just one reading of her art, and her work suggests ambiguity and ambivalence; she seeks new possibilities endlessly.In her paintings, the familiar and the visionary are inextricably interwoven, creating new associations. Her paintings open up windows onto a universe in which narratives are reimagined; leading the viewers onto another plane of consciousness.Oscillating between representation and abstraction, her dream-like imagery is frozen in time.
Producing works of great internal complexity, she aims at creating an artificial reality.Her figures hang in the air somewhere between free-fall and surreal suspension.The occupants of her paintings are the stuff of dreams: Cosmologies, birds of paradise, butterflies, sharks, hybrid creatures, mother nature. Aiming at ambivalence, she creates complex allegories set beyond reality. Fusing an array of vibrantly painted flora and fauna, she creates an ecosystem inhabited by hybrid creatures. In a visual interplay of the familiar and the unknown, she imagines macrocosmic depths of the universe.
In her heavily surrealistic compositions standing somewhere in between the abstract and the figurative, the intense movement targeting the viewer’s subconsciousness is highly pronounced. The use of color that carries the traces of old master painters in “curvaceous' and “fluent” forms has an important role in Cagatay’s artistic language. Her body of work is reminiscent of the chaotic world the contemporary human being lives in and the inner turmoil it creates, while it offers windows opening into other worlds where escape is possible.
Lütfi Kırdar Congress Center, Istanbul
About the Artist
Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay started to get involved with paints and paintings as a small child as the daughter of an art teacher mother; and received her foundations in art from her and her large art history books collection. A major establishment in Turkish art history with a blend of Turkish and French curricula, Galatasaray High School she attended from 11 to 19 years old provided a favorable environment for arts education. After winning the 1st prize in Turkish Airlines’ national painting competition, she has been invited to the State Academy of Fine Arts, but she attended Bosphorus University Business School. After working in corporate management for a decade, she started to pursue her vocation in 2007. She self-studied painting in her Istanbul studio, and educated herself in the art fairs, museums, galleries and bookstores of Paris, London and NYC, focusing also in psychology. She attended art auctions, and the education programs of Sotheby’s Institute of Art London and New York City and IESA Paris. She had her first exhibitions at Galeri MCRD she co-founded starting from the gallery’s foundation in 2012, and is now exhibiting at All Arts Istanbul Fair in 2013.